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Christ Church at Bong Bong


The church was built in 1845 by Charles Throsby who was granted land between the river and Fitzroy Falls. It has obviously been maintained very well, but is only open during services on Sunday mornings.

William and Ann Wood share a headstone at the front of the rather well-worn cemetery in the church grounds. Featured families further back are the founding Throsbys and the Losebys. 


          William and Ann

William’s inscription reads 

This languishing head is at rest
Its thinking and aching are o’er
This quiet immovable breast
Is heav’d by affliction no more.
This heart is no longer the seat
Of troubles and torturing pain
It ceases to flutter and beet
It never shall flutter again

This is taken from the sermons of Joseph Benson, and it would appear that someone thought that William was having a few problems, maybe his supposed malaria? On the right above are the headstones of Charles and Mary, Isabella’s uncle and aunt, as a loving couple.


            Charles & Mary Loseby    

Acai Berry