Coming Wood family reunions
INVITATION TO FAMILY REUNION IN FORBES IN MARCH 2017 I wish to extend a special invitation to the descendants of John Adam Wood and Christine (Teena) Catherine Wood to join with our other Wood Cousins in Forbes for the 2017 Wood Reunion. Forbes is significant to the Wood descendants especially in the life and travels of John and Teena Wood and their children. A brief outline follows........ Being a great grandson of William and Anne through James and Charlotte's third son George who married Agnes Menzies at Bong Bong on 13/2/1877. George and Agnes, together with their five children (Mary, Amy, Andrew, George, and two year old John) decided in 1890 to move and take up land at Lake Cargelligo on a property they called Hillview, where they had two further children Charlotte (Pearl) and Laura. In 1911 John Adam Wood married Christine (Teena) Townsend and made their home at Riverside, farming the land. They leased the farm while John went off to World War 1 in 1917 leaving Teena and three children ( Keith, Marjory and Herbert) in Lake Cargelligo After the war they returned to the farm at Riverside where they had another six children: Jean, Agnes (Day), Edward (Andy), Stewart, Alice (Maude) and Catherine (Nell). Later living in Lake Cargelligo while in partnership working a garage. They had moved to Forbes working on various properties including Wandary Station before the outbreak of WW2 during which time John enlisted in the Garrison spending time at Orange, Cowra and Sydney. It was during 1945 that John and Teena moved to Coonabaraban where some of their family were and where they spent the rest of their lives. This special invitation is extended to Stewart's wife Josie, being the only remaining family of that generation and the families of the other siblings. - their Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren etc: Keith and Verna
Wood - Judith, June, Keith, Beryl, Earla, Bruce, Frank
and Warwick. Please 'spread the word' and lock in the dates of 25th/26th March 2017 . This will be a great opportunity to catch up and to update each families' details. With Thanks Ralph and Alison Baker