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Members of the Wood family are welcome to post messages below to inform other members of the family
or the world at large of noteworthy events relating to our line. This could involve special events,
births deaths or marriages, noteworthy birthdays etc.

To post a message, click here to send details by email, including lineage. We will keep your record on the noticeboard
for about five years.


1.4.2015 Kenneth Francis Howarth, age 76 years, passed away peacefully at Calvary Hospital, Kogarah, at 4 am from pancreastic cancer. He leaves his son Mark Kenneth, daughter Julienne Leigh, and grandson Nathan Walter. Ken was heavily involved in the administrration of the family history project.

5.6.2012 Chelsea Eden Dawson was born on to Naome and Matthew Dawson in Mandurah West Australia <William/Joseph/Alfred/Colin/Kathleen Warr/Kim Dawson/Matthew>

14.11.2012 Nancye Clare Lennon celebrated her 90th birthday <William/Mary Ann/John & Bridget Webb/Michael & Ann Boyd/Frederick & Lilian Stephenson>

23.12.12 Eloise Thelma Rowe was born on  to  Richard and his wife Katrina <William/James/George/Charlotte & Harold Peacock/Vida & Norman Rowe/Andrew & Christina Rowe/Richard and Katrina Rowe>

18.09.2011 Flo Davis (Florence Mabel Webb 7th March 1915) passed away at Osborne Terraces, Nowra at the age of 96 years. Flo enjoyed the family reunions and had a wonderful memory of family history, she will be greatly missed. <William/Mary Ann/James & Annie Webb/Charles & Emma Webb>

20.9.2011 Ashton Colin Rowe born to Ian and Anne Rowe <William/James/George/Charlotte & Harold Peacock/Vida & Norman Rowe/Andrew & Christina Rowe/Ian and Anne Rowe>

12.9.2011 Joan Hyland (baptized Agnes Johanna) formerly of Narooma passed away at Eurobodalla Shire Nursing Home, Dalmeny at the age of 92 years. <William/James/George/Amy Wood and John Regan>

15.3.2011 Twins Henry and Max Brown born in Perth <William/Joseph/Alfred/Cyril/Leslie/Penelope and Christopher Brown>

11.3.2011 Gordon William Coutts (b. 4.8.1912), wife of Mary Irene nee Wood, died in Forbes at the age of 98. <William/ James/William>

12.6.2011 Loretta Shackley  ( b. 20.09.1933) died at the  Sacred Heart Hospice, Sydney. Loretta was the prime researcher of the Wood family when, in 1979, she  and David and Dulcie Wood started the Wood Family reunions in Bong  Bong. <William/ Mary Ann/John Webb/Annie Boyd/Lilian Stephenson>.

8.1.2011 Sophie Wan born to Dominic and Jacqueline Wan at RHW Randwick NSW <James/George/Amy and John Regan/ Lucy and John O’Brien/ Colleen and Richard Baines/ Dominic and Jacqueline Wan>.

18.11.2010 Venla Lumia Madeline Rowe born to Andrew and Christina Rowe , <James/George/Charlotte & Harold Peacock/Vida & Norman Rowe/Andrew & Christina Rowe/Ross and Pia Rowe

13.6.2010  Caleb Ian Regan Springall born to Anna and Andrew Springall <James/George/Amy+John Regan/George+Betty Regan/Jenny+Ian Regan/Anna+Andrew Springall>

3.5.2010  Belle Forster, wife of Stan, passed away at Batlow.

26.3.2010  Stan Forster passed away at Batlow, aged 91. Stan was heavily involved in gathering information for the Wood family history, and will be greatly missed <William/Joseph/Elizabeth>.

Picture taken 25.12.2009

30.1.2010  John Roy Stephenson passed away after a fall, aged 88

11.9.2009  Ashton John Elliott born to Shannon and Darren <William/Joseph/Francis/John/Ann Greig/Shannon>

10.9.2009  John Joseph Wood passed away in Sydney, aged 83 years <William/Joseph/Francis>

10.3.2009   Louise (Lulu) Wood born to David and Nicole <William/Joseph/Francis/Frederick/Ian/David>.

3.11.2008  Lucy Thelma O’Brien, nee Regan, passed away in New Horizons Nursing Home, North Ryde NSW,  aged 94 years <William/James/George/Amy Wood and John Regan>.

Acai Berry